Chengshan Cape

Chengshan Cape

The Oriental Cape of Good Hope

It is a national AAAA scenic spot and the China's Cape of Good Hope where the sun rises at the earliest; it is the pole where Chinese mainland stretches out to the ocean; it is considered to be the place where the sun-god lives, and where both of the Emperor of Qin and Emperor Wu of Han had visited. Chengshan Cape, also called "the Endless Sky", is located at Rongcheng Dragon Beard Island Town, Weihai City, which gains its name because it is located in the easternmost end of the Chengshan Mountain. With three sides surrounded by the sea and one side connected to the land, Chengshan Cape faces South Korea across the sea, and the distance between which is only 94 sea miles. It is the easternmost end of the junction of the sea and the continent in China. It is the first place to enjoy the sunrise. It has been honoured as "the place where the sun rises" since ancient times, and known as "China's Cape of Good Hope". It boasts vast blue seas, towering cliffs, and massive waves as white as snow, and it is magnificent enough to be the ideal summer resort. The main scenic spots include Shihuang Temple, Qin Dynasty Standing Stone, Sun Salutation Tower, Qin Bridge Ruins, Shooting Dragon Tower, Sea View Pavilion, Billows View Pavilion, Subjugating Dragon Stone and so on.


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